Motorcycle and Off Highway Vehicle Registration

Registration is required in Alberta if you recently bought a new or used vehicle and it will be operated or parked on public property. The registration fee includes licence plates and registration stickers.

How do you register your Motorcyle and Off Highway Vehicle?

When you come into Chestermere Lake Registry Services, please bring in:

  • Insurance. You must insure your vehicle FIRST! A valid Alberta insurance pink slip must be shown to register, Bill of Sale or Lease Agreement and Driver’s licence
  • If it is OUT-OF-PROVINCE: Current Out-of-Province Registration showing proof of ownership (Bill of Sale form that Province)
  • If it is a BRAND NEW VEHICLE: original NVIS (New Vehicle Information Statement).
  • If it is WRITTEN-OFF, SALVAGED OR OUT-OF-PROVINCE: Salvage or Out-of-Province Inspection is required.

If it is WRITTEN-OFF, SALVAGED OR OUT-OF-PROVINCE: Salvage or Out-of-Province Inspection is required.

Please note: The name(s) on all the required paperwork must match those of the persons coming in to Chestermere Lake Registry Services If you cannot physically come in to the registry office, an Authorization for Vehicle Services must be signed by the owner stating that they have requested that someone else registering for them.

In Alberta, it is stated by law that the registered vehicle owner MUST be listed on the Alberta insurance pink slip.

Any person under the age of 18 will require parental consent to register a vehicle in their name for the first time. The parent will have to be in the office at the time of registering
