Vehicle Services
Vehicle Registration
Vehicle Registration Renewal (Register)
Out of Province and Country Vehicle
Vehicle Registration Transfer
Duplicate Vehicle Registration
Trailer Registration
Trailer Registration Transfer
In-Transit Permit
Motorcycle and Off Highway Vehicle Registration
Replace Lost or Stolen Licence Plate
Disabled Parking Placard
Plate Cancellation
Personalized or Vanity Plate
Write-Off/Salvage Inspection Form
Vehicle Registration Confirmation Letter
Prorate Services & Fleet Services
Assigned VIN Program
Vehicle Seizure
Land Titles
Alberta Health
Additional Services
Duplicate Vehicle Registration
A duplicate vehicle registration service is processed when a client requires a copy of their current registration. Please see more information on Vehicle Registration.
How do you get a Duplicate Vehicle Registration?
Please provide the following:
- Identification
- Authorization for Vehicle Services from the registered owner if the owner isn’t present
Please note: You can pay for this service online, but you must come to the registry in person to get the duplicate registration.